Tough Love for Business Owners – Say Buh Bye to Waiting for the Perfect Time and Use What Little You Have

Maybe you know of Mel Robbins. She is one of our favorite motivational speakers in our office (aside from me, of course). 

One of Mel’s famous quotes is, “No one is coming”.

By this Mel means that no one is coming to save you. No one is coming to do the work for you. No one is coming to make you lucky.

My version? Stop waiting for “one day”. It’s up to you to take action. It’s up to you to make your dream a reality.

Are you a lucky YouTuber, a Google Darling, or sitting on a trust fund?

Me neither. 

You are now – or once were – a Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. You may think you have too little to work with, but no matter how much you do or don’t have, you do have every opportunity to make it work.

You might be sitting there thinking, “How can I build or scale a business when I barely have the resources to get started?” 

That’s the wrong question. The right question is, “How can I take what little I have and turn it into something amazing?”

The typical approach: procrastination

Most people in your shoes will procrastinate. They wait for the perfect moment, the perfect idea, the perfect amount of money. They wait for a sign from the heavens or some magical intervention. They tell themselves that they need more time, more research, more planning. 

And in all that waiting, nothing happens.

The disruptive approach: stop making excuses

Enough with the excuses! It’s time to break down those limiting beliefs and get innovative. You don’t need a perfect start; you need to start. When I was building my businesses, I didn’t have a lot of money or resources. What I had was grit and the determination to make it work, no matter what.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Get real with yourself

Acknowledge what you have – and what you don’t. Then, get creative with how you can use what’s available. You’d be amazed at how resourceful you can be when you stop wishing for more and start working with what you’ve got.

2. Create a kick-ass action plan

Don’t overthink it. Write down your goals, break them into manageable steps, and start tackling them one by one. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to move you forward.

3. Get some traction

The best way to build momentum is to get some quick wins. Focus on small, achievable goals that will give you confidence and proof that you’re on the right track.

The outcome: A flippin’ awesome business

When you stop making excuses and start taking action, something magical happens: you build a flippin’ awesome business. A business that serves your community, not because you were lucky, but because you had the grit and skill to make changes as needed. You learn to pivot, to adapt, to innovate. And in that process, you create something sustainable and impactful.

Why I wrote The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur

I’ve been where you are, where you’ve been, where you’re going. 

I’ve struggled.

I’ve failed.

I’ve had to get back up and try again with even less than I started.

I wanted to share my experiences, my failures, and my triumphs with you. I wanted to give you a roadmap to follow, one that shows you how to make the most out of what you have, no matter how little it might be.

So, if you’re ready to stop procrastinating and start building the business of your dreams, know that it is truly possible.

And a huge shout out to Mel Robbins – your no-nonsense messaging is just what so many of us need.

Wishing you health and wealth always.


Your copy The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur is waiting for you here.



The post Tough Love for Business Owners – Say Buh Bye to Waiting for the Perfect Time and Use What Little You Have appeared first on Mike Michalowicz.

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