Dealing With The Anxiety Of Finding Your Purpose

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I recently came across a really powerful concept that I think we all struggle with at some point in our lives… “purpose anxiety”.

For me, purpose anxiety was there before I achieved my biggest goals… and afterwards, it still lingered in my mind.

I’m talking about that pressure to find your purpose, to have everything figured out, to know exactly what you’re meant to be doing on this earth and to achieve amazing things.

And with that there’s the anxiety that if you’re not ticking all these boxes, then you’re just a big failure.

So what’s the answer to it all?

How do we live amazing lives, without pushing so hard that we miss all the beauty along the way?

This is what I want to share with you in this episode:

  • The mental comedown you feel when you’ve achieved your biggest goals (and start wondering what happens next)
  • The one phrase that changed my entire mindset on what I should be doing with my life.
  • Finding the balance between pushing for more and being ok with having “enough”.
  • What I think is the REAL way to find your purpose.

After you listen to the episode, DM me on @iamcarriegreen and let me know what living the dream means to you, how you feel about finding your purpose and anything else you think around this conversation – I’d love to chat about it with you!

The post Dealing With The Anxiety Of Finding Your Purpose appeared first on Female Entrepreneur Association.

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