Build a Django Rest API and Integrate with Next.js! Django Ninja, shadcn, Neon Postgres, Railway…

Build a Django Rest API and Integrate with Next.js! Django Ninja, shadcn, Neon Postgres, Railway...

Build a Django Rest API and Integrate with Next.js! Django Ninja, shadcn, Neon Postgres, Railway...

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✅ Python web development with Django
✅ Building a Rest API with Django Ninja (FastAPI meets Django)
✅ Create a Next.js App
✅ Integrate Django & Next.js
✅ Use auth with Django Ninja JWT
✅ Integrate Neon Postgres
✅ Serialize Django models into JSON Data via Django Ninja Schemas (based on Pydantic)
✅ Leverage Server-Side Next.js to Store Auth Tokens as httpOnly Cookies
✅ Deploy Next.js to
✅ Deploy to for Django via Custom Docker Container
✅ Using Neon Branching for Postgres in Dev and Production environments
✅ Python Decouple for env vars

💽 Next.js Code:
💽 Django Code:

🕹️ Blog – Deploy Django on Railway with this Dockerfile –

If you like this course, consider:
– SaaS Foundations — Learn about integrating Django with Stripe, User Permissions, GitHub Actions, and much more:
– Build Full Stack Web Apps in Pure Python with Reflex – A great challenge would be to use Reflex as a replacement for Next.js:

Thank you to Neon for sponsoring this course – sign up at

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00:00:00 Welcome
00:03:21 Overview and Requirements
00:06:29 Demo
00:14:33 Project Setup
00:21:43 Hello World with Django Ninja
00:29:01 User Auth with Django Ninja JWT
00:40:50 Custom Django Model with Matching Ninja Schema
00:49:04 Get and List Models via Django Ninja Router
00:58:01 Your First API request from Next to Django
01:04:20 Solve CORS Errors from Next to Django
01:07:32 Get API Data on Page Load with SWR
01:12:41 Submit Form Data with NextJS
01:23:46 httpOnly Cookies with Nextjs API Routes
01:33:18 Data from Nextjs Server to Django Backend
01:36:52 Auth Token Methods
01:42:27 Logout Page and API Route in Nextjs
01:50:51 User Required Requests from Nextjs to Django
02:00:27 Custom Context Provider and useAuth Hook
02:09:06 Login Required Redirect for Invalid Auth Tokens
02:21:24 Install shadcn to Nextjs
02:30:32 Login Page with shadcn ui
02:36:33 Base Layout with Navbar
02:46:16 Navbar Component
02:56:01 User and Non User Navbar Links
03:01:51 Waitlist Form and NextJS API Endpoint
03:11:32 Django Ninja Create Object via POST
03:16:28 Django Ninja User or Annon User Required
03:23:10 Django User Foreign Keys
03:28:23 Decouple Navbar Components
03:37:14 NextJS API Proxy HTTP Class
03:43:06 NextJS List view as shadcn Table
03:50:59 Improve API Proxy Class
03:55:48 Django Form Validation with Django Ninja
04:10:26 Rendering DjangoForm Validation Errors in Nextjs
04:24:06 Nextjs Config for Environments
04:30:42 Environment Variables in Django
04:37:49 Deploy Django Project to Railway
04:51:51 Production Django Database with Neon Postgres
05:06:48 Prepare our NextJS Production Build
05:14:23 NextJS Production Frontend on Railway
05:28:59 Dynamic Routing in Nextjs Pages and Routes
05:39:46 Adding and Updating New Database Fields
05:55:10 Deployed
06:00:48 Thank you

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