Setting up an international business is an alluring prospect, but the financial challenges may keep you from pursuing the dream. Consider the cost of market research in the first place as it can be massive. You will need a hefty sum to buy or rent office space, hire people, and set up operations. Immigration costs add up to make the investment even bigger. You may believe that the goal is beyond your reach. Luckily, things get easy if you choose Italy as your global business destination. The investor visa route is ideal, and these professionals can assist you in the process to prevent burning a hole in your wallet. Let us explain why an international business in Italy is not out of reach.
Get in with a minimal investment
Although the investment part of the investor visa sounds painful, it is actually less daunting for the Italian investor visa. You have multiple options to explore, and the minimum you require is €250,000 for an innovative startup. Another option that runs in thousands is an investment worth €500,000 in an established company. You may pick other alternatives like a philanthropic donation worth €1 million or purchasing Italian government bonds of €2 million value. Getting in with a minimal amount is the best option for businesses running on a tight budget.
No additional investment for your family
When you start a business overseas, you will bring your family eventually to settle in the country. The good thing about immigrating with an investor visa is that you can get your loved ones without additional investment. You only have to validate that you can support them financially while staying in the country. Proof of funds is enough to get them along, making it easy to set up and settle in Italy.
Fast processing saves you money
Time is money for business owners, and the last thing you want to do is wait forever for the immigration process to complete. Fortunately, the investor visa is one of the shortest routes that completes in a couple of months. You need not gather too many documents or follow several steps. You can speed things further by collaborating with an expert professional as they ensure no errors and omissions.
Application at your local consulate
Another reason that gets the Italian investor visa within your reach is that you can apply at your local consulate. The nulla osta application entails an online process, and the second step to obtain the investor visa can be completed from wherever you are. Imagine the amount of money you can save on travel expenses. Moreover, you need not spend a fortune on accommodation bills during the process.
Funds come only after obtaining residency
The money benefits of the investor visa do not end here. Your investment is secure as you need not bring the funds until the completion of the process. A valid bank statement showing you have enough for investment gets you the nulla osta. The real funding has to come only after arrival in Italy and obtaining your residence permit. You even have a deadline of three months to bring the deposit.
The Italian investor visa is absolutely within reach, considering these money factors. You can land in Italy and follow your international business goals easily with this immigration alternative.
Author Bio:- Julieta Bryant is a content writer at Outreach Monks. With professional writing expertise in the business and tech field, she believes in imparting latest industry-related knowledge to her readers. When not writing, you can find Julieta dancing to her heart’s rhythm.
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