5 Ways To Nail Your Marketing Message

The post 5 Ways To Nail Your Marketing Message appeared first on The Founding Moms.

Woman looking at her phone.

Between apps, emails, social networking, and Zooming (yes, I “verbed” it) we as consumers get so much information overload. TMI, anyone? Don’t even get me started on thosespam calls on our mobile devices. Thank you, Google, for screening spam calls for me. No wonder we’re so techno tired after a long day of work and doom scrolling. Most days I’m happy to leave my phone at the home office.

Because of all the noise and extra distractions (Wordle, anyone?) marketers have a unique challenge when connecting with consumers on a real level. We as consumers want noiseless solutions to problems or we’re gonna change that channel.

Enter the marketing message.

Simply put, a marketing message is a short sentence that relays the value and uniqueness of your business without the boring, drawn-out, long-winded, over-detailed, overstated, repetitive BS! Although it’s not as easy-peasy as it sounds, crafting and drafting the perfect marketing message takes grit, research, some patience, time, and willingness to re-evaluate (gulp) the position of your business in a crowded marketplace. Although it can make you feel overwhelmed (and utter more than a few choice words) when faced with this daunting task, here are a few simple tricks to turn your frown upside down and craft an amazing marketing message!

1. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Sweetheart

The main part of a marketing message is simplicity. I had a teacher in English class ask me once, “Why say canine when you can say dog? Write simply.” I never forgot that lesson. A marketing message is a hook in the guise of a sentence to make your audience fall in love with your brand. It’s seduction, but not in an icky way. The clear, concise sentence entices your customer and leaves ‘em starry-eyed and feeling warm and fuzzy when thinking about your business.

Here some real-world examples of the *chef’s kiss* perfect marketing messages:

“Music for every mood.”
Who doesn’t love Spotify Spotify had to nail their marketing message in order to appeal to wide audiences. This simple four-word sentence succinctly sums up their message: No matter who you are or where you’re from, we’ve got your music.

“Because you’re worth it.”
This is a famous line in the beauty industry. The message of self-love is what L’oreal’s delivering to the masses, but does so in a way that appeals to the individual. The message not only speaks to the product itself but speaks to the value of the person buying the product.

2. Speak To Your Customer Avatar

Branding experts will tell you that before crafting and drafting a marketing message, you gotta know who you’re talking to or it won’t matter. An easy peasy way to hone in on your target audience is to create a customer avatar. The avatar is your idyllic customer and compass to sail your business; the avatar includes age, where they shop, how they make impulse or planned purchases, etc. Once the avatar is discovered, you can start planning ways to attract them to your business.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To (Humble) Brag

This can be a tough one for moms, because women traditionally weren’t brought up to publicly showcase our strengths. However, customers won’t know that they need your products or services unless you tell ‘em! Your business may solve a problem; your service may help someone achieve their goals and live a more fulfilled life. Your product may change how they feel about themselves , or lay the groundwork for them to achieve their dreams. No matter how amazing your product is, if you don’t tell people about it, they won’t know how to buy it.
If sharing the value of your business makes you feel uncomfortable, think of it this way: you’re not selling, but rather, you’re serving. You’re not forcing someone to buy something they don’t need because you believe in your product or service and know that it may be beneficial. You’re solving a problem. And, if you don’t let your potential customer know that you can help them, another business will.

4. Show ‘Em You’re A Unicorn

Unicorns are awesome! In the proverbial sea of sameness, it’s important to show your unicorn factor. This factor is how you will horn in (sorry) and differentiate your business from your competitor’s. Why’s your product better than theirs? Why should your customer buy from you? Anticipating your answers to these questions and communicating them effectively will put another marketing feather in your unicorn’s cap.

5. Show Your Authentic Personality

One of the most important parts of your marketing message–and your business in general– is making sure you’re as authentic as possible. Audiences, including consumers, are smart, and can smell a proverbial rat from miles away. This is the instance where fake it ‘til you make it doesn’t apply. You can still have fun and be authentic. If your business is playful, you can be playful in your messaging. If your target audience is women, don’t feature men in your ads. Also, avoid making claims or promises that your business can’t deliver. Your customer will see right through it and who wants bad karma or a bad Yelp review?

The post 5 Ways To Nail Your Marketing Message appeared first on The Founding Moms.


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