Tips for Naming Your Solopreneur Business by @DONNAAMOS

how to name your business

by Donna Amos

You’re in the process of making your solopreneur dreams come true. There are a million questions to ask yourself as you roll out your plans. One of the biggest, most important decisions is what to name your business. We’ve got a few tips for naming your business.

The Story Behind It

Everyone is going to ask what the name of your company means. You need to have a story that explains the story behind the name. It might be simple or it might be complex. The name of your company will have meaning to you. Make sure you can explain that meaning to other people.

You might try some of these name generator apps to discover a good place to start.

Don’t Limit Your Name

If the name of your company is too narrow of a niche, you will lose out on a larger audience as the company grows. If you have a cookie business and plan down the road to make more desserts, don’t pigeonhole yourself with only a “cookie” name. If you have a clothing store, don’t name it “Shirts Unlimited” because you may one day sell more than shirts.

Ease Of Spelling

If your company is hard to spell, you’ll lose people as they try to google the business or find it on social media. Make your company name as simple as possible for marketing efforts. Tell others about your potential name and ask them to write it watching how they spell it. In today’s world, being able to easily search for your company is crucial to your success.

This advice is from my personal experience, I named my business Solopreneur Solutions and I have to spell it to people all of the time. Thought I was being clever but it backfired on me. 

Go For The Big Domain

Securing the “.com” domain is important for your business. It might seem trivial, but many people associate a domain name as such with established businesses. Many times you will run into the issue that someone already has your .com name, so you might need to change it up a bit. Sometimes the owner of the domain is willing to sell it to you. The next step is to set up your name on social media sites.

Think Of Your Industry

Your name should reflect your industry so it doesn’t confuse me. You want people to know what you’re talking about when they see the business name. They should be able to attribute it to the type of industry by the type of name. You can be creative while incorporating what your business does in the name.

Go With Catchy

Your business name is best if it isn’t too boring, but not too catchy. It’s crucial to find a happy medium. You don’t want to choose a business name that it too unique that no one will be able to remember. Your employees should be able to brag about their job without scrambling to remember the name. Make it something that is easy to remember that rolls off the tongue.

Get Feedback

Talk to your business partners and loved ones about the names you’re considering for your business. Run the name by kids to get a truly honest opinion. Ask everyone if they have any negative connotations with the name. See if they have any reservations or questions. You might have one person out of 10 that hates the name, and that is just fine. The deal-breaker is when you have more than half of these people that say the name needs to be thrown out.

Connect With Clients

The name of your company should have a personal touch. Name it something that helps potential clients connect it with you as a business owner. The clients should feel as if they have a personal connection with the owner. They’ll be able to better trust you with their business if they feel better connected.

Check The Search Engine

Before you set your name in stone, do a Google search for it. It matters what comes up in the SERP or Search Engine Results Page. If there are a lot of paid ads or a few personal blogs with the name, think about another one. Your SEO will be directly connected to the other findings in the search engine.

Clear Is Better Than Clever

Your name should be clever, but it should more importantly be clear. You might think your name is a funny play on words while others think it’s silly. It’s important that the name is straightforward more than a funny name.

Remember Your “Why”

When you get stumped on a name, sit down and write out ideas. Go back to the roots of beginning this journey. Ask yourself why you’re opening this business. The name might be a simple answer as you remember exactly why you’re doing this. You don’t need to try to make it complex. Align yourself with the “why” before you choose a name. This will bring you back to the beginning so you remember why it’s so important to you.

Make Yourself Happy

It might sound simple, but make sure you’re happy with the business name. This is something that will be stuck with your name and you’ll be involved with for many years. It could become a family company that you pass down for generations. This is why it’s important that you love the name. Don’t settle on anything.

Solopreneurs often share information with one another to help guide each to success in their own business. Work with others to find other tips for naming your business. You’ve done the most important step of making your dreams come true with your own business, now it’s time to make it happen one step at a time.

The post Tips for Naming Your Solopreneur Business by @DONNAAMOS appeared first on She Owns It.

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