Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: How to Deal with It?

Sexual harassment is tragically not uncommon in places of work.

Not all the victims are female nor are all the culprits male. Your employer, a colleague, or a client can be potentially culpable of sexual harassment in specific situations.

If the inappropriate behavior happens to you, your response can go from mild aggravation to absolute anguish. The effects on your vocation can also range.
In addition, evident sexual harassment can leave you pondering about what you should do next. The following article offers advice on how to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace.

1. Determine Whether the Behavior is Sexual Harassment

Before you make a sexual harassment complaint to HR, decide whether the conduct matches up to the legal criteria of sexual harassment. For behavior to be considered sexual harassment, it must meet the conditions like; The recipient must feel offense,   The action or comment must be offensive to a rational person, and    The conduct should be pervasive or consequential among many others. If you find yourself questioning whether another person’s comment or behavior was improper, then the conduct has already reached the unwanted and unwelcome caliber.

2. Document the Inappropriate Behavior

If you choose to report the unwelcome conduct, it will help if you have the ability to point to distinct dates, remarks, and actions. Therefore, when that coworker moves too close to you or your manager makes another dirty remark at a meeting, jot it down. With the records at hand, you’ll be able to put forward detailed examples when you report the sexual harassment to your boss or the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

3. Make it Clear that the Conduct is Unwelcome

The primary component of sexual harassment is the unwelcome nature of the behavior. So, try to make it clear to the perpetrator that you do not tolerate their action or comments. It’s advisable to try this approach first especially when facing conduct that is unpleasant and off-putting, but not necessarily predacious.

4. Follow Your Organization’s Sexual Harassment Complaint Guidelines ad Write a Formal Letter of Complaint

You can find your company’s guidelines for making sexual harassment complaints in your employee handbook. Typically, the procedures will give direction to report such conduct to the manager or human resources department. The policy might also offer the name of another party to reach out to, particularly in organizations that lack established HR departments. Do not wait too long to make your complaint, because the law has certain time limits.
It is okay to report sexual harassment physically and write a formal complaint letter or email. Your letter should contain a “Formal complaint of sexual harassment” subject line, timeline, witnesses, details of the perpetrator, the state of the behavior, and your concerns.

5. Consult an Attorney

Normally, you do not require an employment law attorney to report harassment to your boss or file a complaint with the EEOC. However, if you have a reason to fret that your company will not respond promptly or effectively to a complaint, you may require legal counsel from If you encounter retaliation because you made an official complaint, call a legal advocate. Retaliation against you for making a report is considered illegal.

6. Change Your Situation

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You may decide for any number of reasons not to file a sexual harassment complaint. However, that does not imply you should have to keep up with the lewd behavior. It might be the opportune moment to start a job search that will let you present your notice and leave for another company.
If it is financially viable, you can quit first and then start to make job applications without the wraith of sexual harassment dominating your daily life. Do not be ashamed about speaking out if you find yourself in a situation of sexual harassment. The law is always on your side.

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