Successful marketing relies on the use of effective marketing tools. Effectivity will always hinge on how much you put out and what the results are. This is a big reason why flyers are an essential weapon in the marketer’s arsenal. It is relatively cheap compared to other marketing mediums while giving outstanding results.
Ergo, learning how to make a flyer is important in any business. A robust online flyer maker should be able to help you skip some steps. This is because these apps, like Venngage, give users the choice to create flyers from scratch or from hundreds of ready-made templates. It’s fast, simple, and, most importantly, cost-effective.
That is great and all for new marketers. Apps like these will make the job easier. I mean, who would want to spend hours and hours creating a flyer when technology can streamline the process. Often, the results are even better than when we do things ourselves.
However, we should all still start with learning the basics. It would be difficult to leap without learning to walk, right? Here’s everything you need to know about the principles of creating flyers.
Title Is the Key
A big part of how to design a flyer often boils down to one big word — title. You can also call this the headline or the main copy. Whatever the case may be, the title is extremely important when it comes to layout and design.
Titles can make or break your flyer. It is the difference between an engaged reader or the bottom of the bin. So always make sure that your title is big and bold enough to be seen clearly.
Design this one prominently on the layout. Avoid putting it in locations where it will fade in its surroundings. Don’t use colors that will make your message unreadable.
The title is the biggest mouthpiece of your flyer. Make it stand out!
Think Contrast

Samuel Jerónimo/Unsplash
One good tip to keep your designs fresh and exciting to audiences is to apply contrast. The contrast in a design context means putting two varying elements together in one layout.
For example, you can use different font shapes to make your copies more visually appealing. In some cases, this technique can also be used to emphasize certain words or phrases within the copy.
Contrast can also be used with images. Playing with certain filters to two images in the same layout can be a good comparison ad. Just like those “before and after” marketing ploys.
You can also use contrasting colors in the same layout to give your other elements life. Contrast can also be used on shapes and spaces to draw the viewer’s eye to the elements and words that you want them to see.
Want to learn how to make a good flyer? Think differently by going for contrast!
Size Matters
Before you say you know how to create a flyer, have you ever asked yourself if you start the design process with the size? By this, I mean the dimension of the flyer when it is printed or uploaded.
Size is important when it comes to flyers. Where are you distributing these? Mailbox? Doorsteps? Online? Is it posted on walls? Flyers will come in all shapes or forms. One of the big reasons for its versatility comes down to its customizable size.
The form the flyer will end up in will give you a good gauge of your limitations on the layout. The smaller space, the more creative you need to be. You can only scrimp so much on the flyer’s layout right? You would really need to decide which element or information stays and which does not.
On the other hand, if you have a bigger canvas, how do you prevent your design from getting cluttered? Sometimes, it is even more difficult to hold yourself back from placing a lot of elements in your layout than cutting some.
Knowing what you are working with is a great first step.
Master space

Simone Hutsch/Unsplash
The two types of space in the canvas are called the negative and the positive space. The positive space being the image that your eyes can decipher, while the negative space is the one that helps define or outline it.
The two always work hand in hand. Good use of negative space should easily draw the viewers’ eyes right to where the positive spaces are. Once that is accomplished, you already have your viewers engaged and ready to get hooked.
A good designer always understands this fragile relationship.
Trust your basic instinct
Whenever you feel like something is too complex, trust your basic instinct.
Whether you are learning how to create a flyer or how to make a digital flyer, always start with the basics. Any great athlete in any sport will tell you that the fundamentals will start you off into a Hall of Fame career.
When you have a good grasp of the basics, chances are it won’t be that hard for you to start churning out great flyers!
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