Although we are now well into 2021, you may still find yourself in shock or disbelief by all of the unexpected twists and turns of the last year. Perhaps, 2020 was suppose to be your year to launch your podcast, start a business or retire. However, when your spouse lost their job, or you suddenly became a full-time working professional combined with full time parent/teacher with home school duties, you may have realized there was no way the networking group you were going to start would happen. Or the speaking tour you had planned would get canceled.
Whatever your 2020 dream may have been, there is still time to realize it. Teneshia Jackson Warner is the founder, CEO, and Chief Creative Officer of the EGAMI Group, and author of The Big Stretch. Teneshia has five strategies that she deploys when a dream gets derailed by unforeseen circumstances.
If you have a dream that you’d like to get back on track, follow these tips to put it back in motion.

5 Tips To Get Your Deferred Dreams Back On Track | Stephanie Burns
1. Time Is On Your Side
“When a dream is deferred, you can find yourself deflated as if the dream not happening when you expected it to happen, means that the dream happening is forever a ‘no’,” explains Jackson Warner. “Breathe, inhale, exhale, and repeat after me: ‘Time is working in favor of my dream.’
“The only person that has the power to place a period at the end of this dream is you. Do not let 2020 be your dream’s period, instead continue on as if 2020 was simply a comma. Now let’s get ready to move your ideas, business plans, goals forward and believe that the time is now for you to achieve them. You can even look at the current times and determine if there is something about the current times and current trends that can serve as a source of innovation for your new business goals, ideas, and plans.”
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2. Dream Again
“When one is trying to ‘survive’, it definitely is easy to not think about ways to ‘thrive’. Regardless of the year and/or circumstances you experienced you must push yourself to dream again,” suggests Jackson Warner. “Allow yourself the space to imagine, to generate new ideas, to be inspired. You can’t dream again, if you are not being intentional. With that said, what is the burning big idea that you would love to get off the ground this year? What is that dream that you always told yourself, one day I am going to do this. What is that idea that has been tucked away on your ‘one day’ shelf. Bring the idea back in your mind, spend time with it, experience it in your imagination, until if feels real. Once you have a vivid picture of that dream, it leads into the next step. Time to map out a plan.”
3. Design A Plan, But Remember To Write In Pencil
“Great business leaders and companies always have plans and strategies to actualize their goals. The same will be true for you and the dream that you are committing to getting back on track. Commit to mapping out a plan of how to get started, what actions will be needed, how will you measure success and how will you hold yourself accountable to the plans,” says Warner Jackson. “I recommend you mapping out plans in 90 day increments around what needs to happen to actualize the dream into reality. Also, write your plans in pencil. 2020 has taught us the unexpected will happen. By writing in pencil, you are signaling to yourself that you are ready to pivot, erase, and find new ways forward in the midst of unexpected change.”
4. Enlist Dream Champions In The Journey
“I am a firm believer that dreamers do not let other dreamers dream alone!” exclaims Jackson Warner. “Regardless of what your idea, business goal, passion and/or dream may be, it will take discipline, focus, rigor and commitment to make it happen. Enlist a partner, a Dream Champion to serve as your accountability partner through the journey. Share with them your vision, the plan that you have to bring it forward, and most importantly the expected results that you are holding yourself accountable for, and ask them to serve as your partner on the journey. Make sure your champion is a trusted source that believes you and ability to achieve the vision.”
5. Be Willing To Fight For The Dream
“Show me a successful accomplished visionary and I will show you a fighter. Great visionaries fight the battles and giants that stand between them and their dreams,” notes Jackson Warner. “Last year, as an entrepreneur, I along with millions of other business leaders, fought battles of cancelled contracts, lost revenue, unexpected category declines, burn out and more. And for many, experienced health turns/twists or lost loved ones to COVID-19. The battles, giants and obstacles of 2020 were endless, and many business owners, professionals, and leaders were faced the decision of throwing the towel in or fight. Fight for your dream, even if it was deferred.
“As you embark upon this journey to get your deferred dream back on track, be prepared to fight and battle the giants that will come, and most importantly, refuse to lose. Make up your mind that there is no obstacle that will keep you from moving your dream deferred to your dream realized.”
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