Upcoming Webinar Prepares Your Business When “It” Hits the Fan

hits the fan

Has it hit the fan for you in 2020? It’s certainly been a unique challenge for millions of small business owners this year. But the year’s almost over and many business owners are wondering … now what?!

A webinar with the same title as a popular book by Rhonda Abrams, is going to offer some insights and strategies to help your small business survive the current condition. The webinar is going to discuss the specific and time-tested tips in the book so you can survive and thrive in any economy.

Abrams is going to join the Founder and CEO of Small Business Trends, Anita Campbell and Small Business Trends Book Editor Ivana Taylor at the webinar. Together they will share their decades of experience in the small business segment and what it takes to survive under the most trying conditions.

The webinar is going to take place on Dec 9, 2020 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. See more about it below

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WEBINAR: The Sh*t’s Hit the Fan - NOW WHAT? 99 Recession Proof Tips for Small BusinessWEBINAR: The Sh*t’s Hit the Fan – NOW WHAT? 99 Recession Proof Tips for Small Business
December 9, 2020, Online

The business world as we know it appears to have been turned upside down overnight by COVID-19. Perhaps there has never been another time when the economy has changed so radically so fast. How do you – as a small business owner – navigate this new world? In her new book, Rhonda Abrams, a recognized small business expert, shares specific do-it-now strategies for how your small business can survive – even thrive – in this COVID-19 world.

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Image: Depositphotos.com

This article, “Upcoming Webinar Prepares Your Business When “It” Hits the Fan” was first published on Small Business Trends

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