How Entrepreneurs Can Deal With Anxiety

Entrepreneurship is hard. Most people can’t handle the stress and anxiety associated with starting a new business. Oftentimes, entrepreneurs come from the safe feeling of a steady job and paycheck, to an environment where earnings go up and down unpredictably. It’s enough to make anyone reach a breaking point. This can result in mental health issues, divorce, and other outcomes that might be avoided with the right self-care rituals. If you’re an entrepreneur, then give these ideas a try and see if you can improve your mental health and wellness. Not only is it healthy, but if you feel better, you’ll do better, and that’s good for business.

Work stress

Morning Routine

If you start your day by opening your phone and checking emails, you’re probably doing it wrong. Your morning routine can be the most important part of your day, as it sets the tone for the rest of your day. As a start, make your bed. It sounds silly, but making your bed is a win. It’s the first completed task of your day, and it can set the tone for more completed tasks throughout the day. Spend some time doing things for yourself, rather than for your business. If you do something that you enjoy, you’ll put yourself in a great mood for the work that you’re about to tackle.


One great activity to include in your morning routine is journaling. Keep a journal, whether it’s digital or on physical paper. Write down your thoughts and feelings about all areas of your life. How are your relationships? How is business? Are you on track to meet your goals? Do you have work/life balance? Do people enjoy being around you? Think about these and other questions, and write down whatever comes to mind. Nobody’s going to grade you on your journal. You’re doing it for yourself, so don’t worry about perfect writing. It’s more important to get those thoughts down on paper, so that you can do more of the things that are going well in your life, and so that you can fix the things that are going wrong, before they result in irreversible damage.

Diet and Supplements

Your physical health has a direct impact on your mental health. Start by eating healthier foods, and eat an amount that’s right for you. If you’re overweight, then try moderating your diet a bit more and lose a few pounds. You’ll look and feel better, and you’ll be healthier. When you’re healthy, you’ll have a better balance of the chemicals that affect your mood, like cortisol and dopamine.

You can also try eating some mood boosting foods. Chemicals like Omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan, and B vitamins are great for improving your mood. So try including things like fatty fish, bananas, oats, nuts, and berries in your diet. You can also supplement with vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes you may need a bit more of a boost. You can try some dark chocolate or a cup of coffee for a caffeine boost. If this isn’t enough, then consider CBD oil or kratom powder. If you go the kratom route, start with White Hulu before experimenting with other strains. Just keep in mind that CBD and kratom are not approved by the FDA, and most reports of their efficacy are anecdotal. If you drink coffee, keep it to one cup per day. It’s unhealthy to overdo it with any of these options, and you could become dependent, where your body requires large amounts of caffeine just to function. But, in moderation, mild stimulants like coffee can have a positive effect on your mood and your health.


You can incorporate exercise into any part of your day. You just need to figure out whether you feel energized after a morning workout, or if you benefit more from working out your stress at the end of the day. Or both. The most important thing about exercising is consistency. Three moderate days of exercise every week will do much more for your anxiety, and health as an entrepreneur than the occasional sporadic marathon session. Make sure that you keep yourself hydrated, and that you get enough protein and other nutrients to rebuild your muscles and tissues.

Evening Routine

Your evening routine can do wonders for your ability to have closure at the end of every day. One good practice is to think through how many of your goals you achieved during the day, and those that you didn’t. Map out your schedule and goals for the following day, to give yourself structure. Also try some gratitude exercises or meditation. When was the last time you spent five minutes thinking about the people and things for which you are most grateful? If it’s been a while, then it might be time to start. Expressing gratitude will help you overcome feelings of self-doubt, which can vastly improve your stress and anxiety levels. So, spend a few minutes each evening and think about some of the people who make your life better. Think about what you have, rather than what you don’t have, and be grateful. You’re wealthier than you might think.


After you practice your evening routine, it’s time to go to bed. Turn off your devices, and if possible, keep them in another room. If you use your phone as an alarm, then spend ten dollars and buy an alarm clock. You’ll keep yourself from practicing addictive behaviors, and you’ll also keep yourself from stimulating your brain into more activity when you want the opposite effect. The goal is to get a good night’s sleep, to give your brain quality time to recharge and replenish all of the chemicals that were depleted during the day. A good night’s rest will help you to feel energized the next day, less irritable, and more focused. You’ll be a better entrepreneur, and you’ll be a better person overall.

The post How Entrepreneurs Can Deal With Anxiety appeared first on Entrepreneurship Life.

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